Thank you Idaho
Thank you for trusting me with the responsibility of serving as your next Attorney General.
Despite the news media claiming this would be a close race, with your help and support we defeated our Democrat opponent by more than 25 percentage points I’m thankful to have the opportunity to serve the people of our great state. And I’m humbled by the support and encouragement I’ve received from so many over the last year.
When Becca and I decided I would enter the Attorney General’s race last fall, we knew it would require a lot of sacrifice and hard work. For both of us what has been the most gratifying has been the tremendous number of people who willingly sacrificed their time, contributed their resources, spread our message with their family and friends, and lifted us up with their faith and prayers. We are so grateful to all of you for your support.
Idaho Democrats, their partners in the liberal media, and my opponent spent months trotting out false, negative stories and attack lines. The people of Idaho completely repudiated this negative message. This race was always about rebuilding the people’s confidence in their government, restoring their trust in the rule of law and renewing their belief that their government will protect them and not the bureaucracy.
Let us celebrate this victory as a decisive moment: the moment the people of Idaho decided they want an Attorney General who will stand up to an overreaching federal bureaucracy in Washington, DC, and local bureaucracy whenever necessary. You deserve a government that respects constitutional boundaries, and protects individual rights, freedoms and liberties.
During the next four years, I commit to bringing back constitutionalism to Idaho’s government and protecting the Idaho way of life.
In addition to all of you who worked so hard to make this happen, I also want to thank my campaign team. Theo Wold who served as my Primary Campaign Manager and then as a policy advisor for the general election. Riley Gilbert who served as my general election Political Director. Brent Littlefield who served as our campaign strategist and media consultant. And, Doug Taylor, who previously served as my Congressional Chief of Staff, was a super volunteer and key advisor during this race.
Finally, I want to thank Becca. She is always by my side. She is my most trusted confidant and best friend. We traveled many miles together during this campaign and loved spending time with you. We both look forward to visiting the many beautiful regions of Idaho while I serve as your next Attorney General.

Contact the Campaign

Labrador for Idaho
P.O. Box 1899
Boise, ID 83701